Already a Member?Becoming a member of the Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce gives you access to all of the chamber’s membership benefits along with full control over your business’ online directory listing.
The price for membership for 2025 is:
1-4 Employees | $200 |
5-9 Employees | $300 |
10+ Employees | $500 |
Non-Profit | $150 |
Additional Business under Primary | $100 |
If you want to become a new member, we strongly encourage you to pay in person, so that we can capture all your organization information. To join, please stop into the Chamber office or call the Chamber office at 952-873-4295.
Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce
204 N. Meridian St.
Belle Plaine, MN 56011
Become a Member Request
This form is optional - it does not secure membership and is only intended to give us a quick overview of your business.. Click here for a printer-friendly version of this form. Please stop into our office to finalize your membership.