• MetroNet

    MetroNet is a 100% Fiber Optic Company headquartered in Evansville, Indiana. The customer-focused company provides cutting edge fiber optic communication services, including high speed Fiber Internet, full featured Fiber Phone, and Fiber IPTV with a wide variety of programming. MetroNet started in 2005 with one fiber-optic network in Greencastle, Indiana, and has since grown to serve and construct networks in over 90 communities. MetroNet is committed to bringing state-of-the-art telecommunication services to communities services that are comparable or superior to those offered in large metropolitan areas. For more information visit business.metronetinc.com

  • Location:3701 Communications Way
    Evansville, IN 47715

  • Phone:8557690936
  • Website:Metronetbusiness.com
  • Business Category